Download Games APK for Android

Wild Blood v.1.0.7 APK

Wild Blood v.1.0.7 APK

Wild Blood
King Arthur has gone mad, fueled by his jealousy toward Lancelot for romancing his wife, Queen Guinevere. In his desperation, Arthur has been tricked by his sister, the all-powerful sorceress Morgana Le Fey, to open the Hellgate and allow all forms of demons to enter the world. Meanwhile, Morgana has captured Guinevere and holds her hostage on the magical island of Avalon.

For non-root/online:
1. Install APK
2. Extract downloaded obb to&sdcard/Android/data/
3. Launch game online

For root/offline:
1. Install APK
2. Copy downloaded folder to android/obb
3. Restore titanium backup
4. Launch game

For Muhziwan crack:
1. Install APK
2. Copy obb to android/obb
3. Launch game

APK by chathu_ac:

APK - offline by muhziwan:

APK- moded gold 777777:



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Posted by Unknown, Published at 2:37 PM and have