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Google Gaming - Google Developing a Video Game Console

Google Gaming - Google Developing a Video Game Console

google console

google console gaming

Google is currently working on a gaming console. At least that's what the Wall Street Journal. Surprised? Maybe it's not because I've known for a large-scale project overlooks throughout the industry.

Those of you who have android phones would have been frequently download android games several applications from googleplay. Google was originally a company that focuses on the Internet through its search engine. In the early days of the internet is the king of Yahoo, although Google says that Yahoo is not really a search engine but rather the only engine index. Google eventually dominate the internet with their search engine. whether google stops until there alone? certainly does not like who you see now

Subsequently which google do is develop browser. They finally glanced Firefox which at the time was quite famous and wonder why we do not develop and eventually become new browser Chrome that now dominate the world. Then they looked at iOS and think that the world needed a better mobile OS and 3 years later Android smartphones dominate the world.

Of course ye do not will think Google will stop moment it also, not? See GameStick or Nvidia Project Shield, Google also may imagine why not be make console Android and began to dominate the world. That's what they're doing now.

On average console gaming now have state the price 3-5 million, and if Google can make the console as cheap as 1 million and offer the gaming as good as Real Racing 3 or Dead Trigger then the not strange also if within few years to ahead Google will dominate the console gaming.

For now Google is not yet secured Smartphone, not the OS but its manufacturing. I say yet because Google has made movements such as the acquisition of Motorola and create with their own mobile phone as the Galaxy S4 version of Google. They have started the movement.

For now there is no any information about the details of this gaming console. But definitely, if this news is 100% true then this will be the top-selling Android gaming console as surely they will be integrated directly with Google Play. Another Android Console for now still have their own game store so options are limited (except for Mad Catz, but this is still a prototype). This will be a significant difference when consumers choose their Android gaming console.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 9:46 PM and have